Where It Began

Classical Queens began as a personal quest, driven by my desire to understand my place in the world of Classical Music. There came a point when my seat in the violin section of a professional orchestra no longer felt joyful. I yearned to explore the roles of individuals who, like me, possessed unique backgrounds in Classical Music – individuals who like me wanted to feel like they belong.

With this curiosity, I journeyed into my Masters Program, delving into the lives and contributions of Women of Color in Classical Music. What I discovered was a treasure trove of extraordinary lives and exquisite music, hidden in the shadows of history. I made a promise to ensure that this knowledge would no longer remain untaught and, subsequently, forgotten.

Where We Are

Classical Queens began as a research paper. It was soon adapted into a Podcast and continued to expand. CQ produces lecture recitals, education programs, E-Books, and more. An important goal of Classical Queens, is that the work considers the past, while still connecting us to the now and our collective futures. In seeking new ways to showcase these stories and thanks to The Morrison Center of the Performing Arts, Classical Queens: Our Time debuted a theatrical orchestra experience unlike anything you’ve known, to a full house. Original Composition by Cassidy Robinson. Original Poetry by Trey Carlisle.